PhD Scholarship positions for Metabolomics Resarch

The SIPOMICS (SIgnal Processing for Omic ScienceS) research Group from the Rovira i Virgili University is seeking candidates to apply for 3 scholarships to obtain the PhD at our research facilities located in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). There are 3 desired profiles for the positions:
- The first position is intended for candidates with an engineering and/or physics background. This position will involve working in the simulation and characterization of serum lipoproteins using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance equipment (HR -NMR). Experience working on Matlab or R will be appreciated.
- The second position is intended for candidates with a signal processing background. The thesis to be developed will focus on metabolic image data processing in particular, and 3D data algorithms in general. They will be aimed towards metabolomic studies where MALDI and TOF MS data will need to be conditioned, processed and correlated with clinical biomarkers in order to turn raw measurement data into useful clinical information. Strong software programming skills are a must, and experience working on Matlab or R will also be highly appreciated.
- Development of micro/nano electronic surfaces and signal processing algorithms for NIMS (Nano Iniciator Mass Spectroscopy). The objectives are the fabrication of different nanosctructured materials (silicon, alumina, etc.) suitable for the analysis of tissue and body fluid metabolites by MALDI-TOF-MS and the creation of algorithms for obtained data processing and representation. Required profile: Candidates should have a background on electronics, chemistry or physics. Experience on statistics, and multivariate analysis will also be highly appreciated.
Candidates should have a Bachelor or a master degree to be eligible for the positions.
SIPOMICS is a multidisciplinary research Group formed by chemists, biochemists, computer and telecommunication engineers that has a very close relationship with the most important metabolomics platform in Spain.
We offer a 1 – year scholarship plus a 3-year contract to develop research work that would allow the candidates to obtain their PhD. degree in our doctorate program at the Rovira i Virgili University. Moreover, if the candidates lack a master degree, the scholarship will also allow them to obtain their Master degree at our department. All tuitions (master and PhD degree fees) are included in the scholarship, and therefore free for the selected candidates.
Tarragona is a Mediterranean city with a Mild climate, 100km South ‐ East of Barcelona with many cultural and ludic activities, including nice beaches, archaeological museums (with many Roman ruins) and touristic facilities. The city is very well communicated through plane, high speed trains and a vast highway network.
Candidates should go to the web page , click on “General programme” (Resolution of the competition/ Application form/ General Programme) and follow the instructions. They will have to register in the candidate database prior to compliment the form. The candidates should mark ALL of the following positions:
2012BPURV-17* (Dr. Xavier Correig, conveni de col.laboració URV-Bruker)
2012BPURV-43, 44, 45, 46 (Generic Position, Electronic Technology speciality,Department of Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering)
Original documents must be sent by regular mail. Deadline for sending the documents is 13:00 hours, June 22nd (Spanish official time).
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Serena Pujol through her email address ([email protected]).
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