2012 Asia-Pacific Human Development Fellowships

Academic Fellowships
The objective of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Asia-Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship is to encourage young PhD students from developing countries in Asia-Pacific to analyze critical development issues from a human development perspective, contributing to development theory, applications and policies that puts people at the centre of development debates. Thus, the fellows are expected to push the frontiers of research on human development. The research must focus on a well-defined aspect of human development under the theme selected for the year and can be theoretical, applied policy oriented, or a combination.
Applications are now open for the 2012 UNDP Asia-Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship. The theme is “Embedding Environmental Concerns into Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth”. Applications should be submitted by 15 September 2012.
Media Fellowships
The objective of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Asia-Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship is to contribute to building capacity in the Asia-Pacific region and support policy through advocacy and dissemination of research that bring people to the centre of development debates. The fellowship encourages media professionals from Asia-Pacific developing countries to undertake media advocacy on issues of concern in the region from a human development perspective on a new theme each year.
Applications are now open for the 2012 UNDP Asia-Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship. The theme is “Climate Change”. Applications should be submitted by 15 September 2012.
Source : http://asiapacific-hdr.aprc.undp.org/2012-asiapacific-human-development-fellowships